Carrier Thermostat Programmable Manually
Honeywell CM927 7 Day Wireless Programmable ThermostatPart number: 19776Manufacturer's part number: CMT927A1049The Honeywell CM921 and CM927 are wireless thermostats which communicate with the BDR91 relay box on an 868 MHz radio frequency band to control a single heating system component such as a boiler, pump or zone valve. The CM921 offers a 1 day (24 hour) heating program and the CM927 a 7 day heating program. Large LCD display with back lighting.
Up to 6 independent time and temperature level changes. Holiday function. Room thermostat is wall or table mounted and battery operated.
Relay box is wall mounted mains operated. Batteries: 2 x AA (LR6) alkaline batteries, supplied.
Relay box has VF/SPDT relay contacts 5A (3A) 230 V AC.DIMENSIONS:Room thermostat - H 89 x W 133 x D 26 mm. Relay box - H 92 x W 90 x D 31.6 mmErP rating: Class 4. The Honeywell CM921 and CM927 are wireless thermostats which communicate with the BDR91 relay box on an 868 MHz radio frequency band to control a single heating system component such as a boiler, pump or zone valve. The CM921 offers a 1 day (24 hour) heating program and the CM927 a 7 day heating program. Large LCD display with back lighting. Up to 6 independent time and temperature level changes. Holiday function.
Room thermostat is wall or table mounted and battery operated. Relay box is wall mounted mains operated. Batteries: 2 x AA (LR6) alkaline batteries, supplied. Relay box has VF/SPDT relay contacts 5A (3A) 230 V AC.DIMENSIONS:Room thermostat - H 89 x W 133 x D 26 mm. Relay box - H 92 x W 90 x D 31.6 mmErP rating: Class 4.
.Introduction 2. Press the Up or Down button until the correct time is The Standard Programmable Thermostat provides four periods per displayed. Day (MORNING, DAY, EVE, NIGHT) and two schedules per week (MoTuWeThFr and SaSu).
A separate time, heat set point, 3.7. Press the PROGRAM button to advance to the next time NOTE: All Carrier equipment, with the exception of the Ther- period. Enter time and temperature settings from boxes 4 mostat Conversion Kit, TSTATXXCNV10, is compatible with this.Step 2—Install Thermostat OPTION 1—ANTICIPATOR VALUE ADJUSTMENT This adjustment controls the sensitivity and cycle rate of the thermostat. Higher numbers decrease the cycle rate.
Lower num- bers increase the cycle rate. However, this feature will not allow Before installing thermostat, turn off all power to unit. There more than 4 equipment cycles per hour (or 1 cycle every 15 may be more than 1 disconnect.TO SELECT: starts counting down when the output is turned on, (e.g., if Y output is turned on for 9 minutes and then satisfies, it cannot turn 1. Enter configuration mode if not already there (see above). Back on for another 6 minutes regardless of demand). However, 2.TYPICAL TYPICAL SINGLE-SPEED FAN COIL/ FAN COIL/ THERMOSTAT AIR CONDITIONER THERMOSTAT FURNACE FURNACE HEATING HEATING 24 VAC HOT 24 VAC HOT 24 VAC COMM 24 VAC COMM COOLING COOLING. See note 1.
See note 1 A01399 A01400 Fig. 2—Typical Air Conditioner Fig.STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT CONFIGURATION RECORD Date Owner/Operator Thermostat Model No. Indoor Unit Model No.
Carrier Programmable Thermostat Installation Manual

Outdoor Unit Model No. A) Mode Settings Hold (On or Off) Mode (OFF, HEAT, COOL, EMHT) Heating Set Point Value.Copyright 2001 CARRIER Corp. Indianapolis, IN 46231 tstat-26si Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 1 4 Tab misc miscPC 101 Catalog No.